This project located in Kerman province Sarcheshmeh copper complex. The reservoir of this dam is the main reservoir for supplying the industrial water to Sarcheshmeh copper complex. Due to the high altitude of the area, 2300 meters above the Sea level, it is cold during winter. This dam has been designed with asphalt core with the body volume of 2.4 million cubic meters and the height of main dam 84 meter.
The Main features of this project are as follows:
• The height of the tailing dam raise in two stages up to7 meters and totally700, 000 cubic meters of various grading of rock is used for this embankment.
• Shur river dam and its saddle dam both are rock fill dams, with asphalt core
• For execution of asphalt core, due to the requirement of especial technology and equipment Kolo Veidkke Company from Norway cooperated with AHAB in preparation of asphalt concrete and supervision of the executive operations with the help of its resident experts.
• For preparing the asphalt concrete an especially designed asphalt plant manufactured and installed at the site with the capacity of 12 tones of asphalt production per hour.
• Especial equipment, machinery and laboratory fasciitis imported on the temporary and permanent importation bases.
• The volume of Asphaltic concrete of the main dam core was about 12000 cubic meters and for its saddle dam was about core 4000 cubic
• Concert volume 10,000 cubic meters
• Diversion as embedded pipe line with the dia of 1,600 mm and length of 400 meters.
• Height of main dam 84 meters and saddle dam 34 meters.
• Length of crest dam 480 meters and saddle 120 meters.
Client: National Iranian Copper Industry
Consultant engineer: MEWE,ATC (joint venture)
Ahab counterpart in asphalt core construction, Kolo Veidkke Company from Norway
Start Date: 2007
End Date: 2012